Monday, July 14, 2008


Tonight we moved the workshop outside since the basement windows/doors are too tight to get the canoe out once assembled. We threw together a simple table instead of saw horses, and it's a lot sturdier.

It looks like a canoe! Almost there... It's curved downward in this picture, and obviously it's supposed to curve the other way. That's because the side panels aren't pushed out as far as they will be in the end, and the wood needs to be pushed out at an angle, hard to do when you're air-paddlin.

It was getting pretty dark, we didn't make much progress because we had to build the table, too. We usually start around 7, right after dinner, which doesn't give us much time. I need to start going to work earlier and getting off before 5.

We finished up around 9:30 tonight. The flood lights in the backyard don't provide too much light, and some of the bow is in the shadow of the deck. Also, it's not supposed to rain for at least a week, but we put two tarps over it just in case. We don't need any bird poop on it.


Michael said...

Lookin good Timmay

Anonymous said...

Pretty long thing you have there!